Beautiful by name and beautiful by design

SK Beauty Booth

The SK Beauty Booth is perfect for the Selfie Generation

With an elegant and stylish design, the SK Beauty Booth is so much more than a vanity mirror.  Packed full of the latest technology and software, taking high quality photographs using a DSLR camera, that can be printed in under 10 seconds.


Perfect for intimate events, fashionistas and glamourous lads and lasses will love the beautiful images the Mirror produces.


Personalising the experience even further, guests can add their own signature or graphics to the mirror screen which will be printed directly onto the images.

Social Sharing

Images can also be shared directly to social media, allowing guests to share their perfect pic with friends and family.


Giving the extra glam factor, the beauty filter feature automatically enhances each selfie to make guests look their flawless best and with the option to retake images as many times as they want, guests don’t have to leave the booth until they get the perfect selfie.

Simply Beautiful

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